Monday 8 October 2012

Introduction to malware RAt keyloggers (lesson 6)

[Image: Ebook.jpg]
An Introduction To Keyloggers, RATS And Malware is completely dedicated to newbies who are looking forward to play with keyloggers, RATs and various other forms of malware, or are curious to know how they can protect their PC's from getting infected with Trojan, worms and other forms of viruses.

The book takes you right from the basics to some advanced types of attacks. In this book Rafay have also reviewed various types of best keyloggers out there so you can find it easier to choose the best one according to your needs.

By reading this e-book I am very confident that you will be able to protect your computer from most of these types of attacks.

All credits goes to Rafay Baloch the writer of the Ebook.


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